Road Resurfacing 2023 Kick-off May 26, 2023

Please refer to the following links, pictures and documents as it relates to the text below:

Road PM and Type Treatments Information page
Fist Step - Roads to be Chip Sealed and Micro Sealed 2023

We will start to crack seal on the roads listed on the left under the Chip and Micro Seal beganMay 26, 2023 which, weather depending, will last 1-2 business days (refer to the First Steps document above)

Minor road repairs will take place as needed on all listed roads the Week of May 30, 2023 – weather dependent

June 2023
Chip and fog seal will begin on the roads listed to the left (refer to the First Steps document above) for chip and seal on June 7 and last approximately 3 business days (weather dependent)

Chip and Micro seal will begin on the roads listed to the left (refer to the First Steps document above) for chip and micro seal on June 12 and last approximately 3 – 4 business days (weather dependent)

The schedule for roads that will be milled and paved or have a mastic treatment will be provided once the paving company provides us with those dates. ALL dates are weather dependent, and subject to last minute change based upon weather fluctuations. For additional information please reach out to:

Road Superintendent:

Township Administrator:

Or call 614-575-5556 between 8:00 AM-2:00 PM on regular business days

We appreciate your questions and patience.

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